We are pleased to announce that the Board of Directors has chosen Dr. Gregory G. Fahlman, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of British Columbia, to succeed Dr. Pierre Couturier as Executive Director of the CFHT for a three year term, effective 1 August 1999.
Dr. Fahlman's appointment was recommended by a Board committee established in December, 1977 which worked throughout the Winter, Spring and Summer. The selection committee was deeply gratified by the strong response from the Canadian community to this opportunity, which clearly signalled their interest in, and support for, CFHT. All candidates compellingly articulated exciting roles for CFHT in the era of very large telescopes now dawning. Their vibrant visions reflect deep appreciation for the site and image quality at CFHT, the power of the instrumentation plan under implementation with MegaPrime, and, especially, the excellence of the technical and scientific staff at CFHT, who are well suited to meeting the opportunities and challenges ahead.
During the next three years the Executive Director will face many issues that depend upon strong scientific vision and in-depth analysis of scientific choices. These will be necessary both to ensure maximum scientific return from our investment in the MegaPrime project and to ensure that the debate within our communities concerning the long term future of CFHT leads to continued opportunities for scientific excellence among the partners.
Dr. Fahlman has been a frequent and innovative user of CFHT. He is appreciated in all three CFHT communities as a strong and productive scientist with broad interests and experience in observational astrophysics. He has made important contributions to areas as diverse as galaxy evolution, faint galaxy clustering, the search via gravitational lensing for the dark matter distribution in galaxies and clusters of galaxies, cosmology, ages and dynamics of globular clusters, etc. His extensive background in analysis and interpretation of photometric data from CFHT and other facilities is highly relevant to the scientific implementation of MegaPrime in an efficient manner. He brings to the CFHT management experience gained within the University of British Columbia and the Canadian astronomical community. In addition, he has provided many years of effective service to the CFHT on SAC and the Board, where his thorough, clear analyses of complex issues were hallmarks.
During the coming months, Dr. Fahlman will be participating in various activities in preparation for taking on his new duties next summer. I know that he will value and count upon the staff and community members to share their knowledge and advice with him, so that he can continue the strong effort underway at CFHT and in our communities to implement MegaPrime and to plan an exciting long-term future for CFHT.
On behalf of the Board, I would like to wish great success to the staff, the Executive and Dr. Fahlman in the coming months and years.
Jean-Pierre Picat Chairman, Board of Directors