Report of the Radio Astronomy Committee, June 1999

The radio astronomy committee consists of six members with their names are listed below, together with their terms of office: Lorne Avery June 1997 - June 2000Norbert Bartel (chair) June 1997 - June 2000

Peter Dewdney June 1998 - June 2001

Sean Dougherty June 1996 - June 1999

(George Mitchell May 1995 - May 1998)

Ken Tapping June 1996 - June 1999?

Our suggestions for replacements are:

Wayne Cannon

Michael Bietenholz

Tom Landecker

The major issue concerning the committee was the formulation of a decadal plan for radio astronomy in Canada to be used for the Long-Range-Planing-Committee's document. A telephone conference was held on 26 November 1998 to discuss the decadal plan. The final report was finished on 12 March 1999 and is posted on the web ( The report focuses on the new international facilities planned for radio astronomy, describes how Canada could best participate in international projects and lead new developments, and stresses the necessity of a balanced support for cm- and mm-wavelength radio astronomy. The next couple of years will likely shape the character and content of our main activities and our place in the international radio astronomical community.


Norbert Bartel