CASCA Education Committee report, June 1999

Present committee members are:

Pierre Bastien, Richard Bochonko, Paul Delaney, Douglas Forbes, David Guenther, Jaymie Matthews, Brian Martin, John Percy, and Russ Robb.

Since the last report the main work of the committee has been preparing its submission to the Long Range Planning Committee. This submission can be found with the other committee submissions to the LRPP. Several other issues have been considered, some new and some continuing.

CASCA support for the ASP "Universe in the Classroom" newsletter.

The ASP has recently updated its subscriber list for this newsletter in an effort to establish the number of active subscribers. The number of mailings to Canadian users has fallen from around 400 to 150; for total North American mailings the numbers have gone from 12000 to 5000. The reasons for the decrease are not clear, but may be related to increased use of Internet-based (as opposed to printed) resources.

CASCA Education Web site

A CASCA Education web site will be up and running in time for the 1999 AGM. The site has been designed to support teachers and others working at the K-12 level, and the general public, rather than those working at the university level (where it was felt less help was needed). What is needed now is to publicise the site - we hope to be able to be "linked" to the Canada-wide "SchoolNet" before the start of the Fall 1999 school year.

CASCA visiting lectureship programme

The committee continues to look into this idea, which holds considerable interest and promise, but which has a number of thorny practical issues - funding and geography being the worst. It is felt that an effort should be made to ensure that visiting lecturers be able to travel outside the Quebec-Windsor corridor and the Vancouver-Victoria area (which are arguably already well-served with potential speakers), yet such an effort would involve significant travel expenses. If the funding difficulties can be resolved, there remains the problem of establishing a pool of suitable speakers.



Douglas Forbes